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Minn Kota To Combat Component Shortages For Trolling Motors Equipped With i-Pilot
Update (04/19/2023):
Terrova/Riptide Terrova/Ulterra/Riptide Ulterra Models Equipped With Standard i-Pilot:
All Terrova models with i-Pilot are now shipping with full size i-Pilot Remotes and Heading Sensors. Although inventory has not returned to normal (pre-Covid) levels, we're seeing a healthy amount of availability. There are a few models such as the Riptide Ulterra 112 that have been a bit more difficult to get but we are not experiencing extended wait times for those models.
Ultrex Models Equipped With Standard i-Pilot:
All Ultrex models with i-Pilot are now shipping with full size i-Pilot Remotes and Heading Sensors. Some of the Ultrex 112 models have been more difficult to get but we are not experiencing extended backorder times for those motors.
UPDATE (03/07/2023)
Terrova/Riptide Terrova/Ulterra/Riptide Ulterra Models Equipped With Standard i-Pilot:
Minn Kota has notified us that Terrova and Ulterra models equipped with standard i-Pilot will once again be packaged with Heading Sensors. Minn Kota is also shipping Heading Sensors to customers who received motors with redemption coupons and completed the registration process. Motors with the Micro Remote are still available in limited quantities.
Ultrex Models Equipped With Standard i-Pilot
Minn Kota has notified us that Ultrex models with standard i-Pilot will once again be packaged with Full Size i-Pilot Remotes and Heading Sensors. Minn Kota has also started to ship full size i-Pilot Remotes and Heading Sensors to customers who received motors with redemption coupons and completed the registration process.
All PowerDrive Models:
All current PowerDrive Models are now being produced. Production of PowerDrive models was discontinued in 2022.
UPDATE: 2/15/23:
Good news! Minn Kota has done a good job of catching up on production bottlenecks due to supply chain issues. Inventory has improved dramatically.
As of today, we've heard that Minn Kota has begun to include the Heading Sensors and full size i-Pilot remotes in the packaging for all applicable Terrovas, Ultrex and Ulterra motors. However, it may take a couple weeks for them to complete production and ship to distributors. A limited supply of Terrova models with Micro Remotes are available for purchase.
Here's the Rundown on Heading Sensors and Full i-Pilot Remote Availability for Minn Kota Terrova, Ulterra and Ultrex Models:
Terrova and Ulterra Models with Standard i-Pilot (not i-Pilot Link)
- Freshwater Terrova and Riptide Terrova models with standard i-Pilot will once again be packaged with full size remotes and Heading Sensors. In 2022, some Terrova models were temporarily replaced by models packaged with a Micro Remote only and no Heading Sensor.
- Freshwater Ulterra and Riptide Ulterra models with standard i-Pilot will begin shipping with Heading Sensors included in the packaging.
- Minn Kota has begun shipping Heading Sensors to customers who received motors with redemption coupons. The redemption process needs to be completed in order to receive a Heading Sensor.
- If you did not receive a redemption coupon for your Terrova or Ulterra: Scroll down to the bottom of this page where we have pasted images of the redemption coupons. Select the appropriate coupon for your motor. The QR codes are functional so just take your smartphone (or tablet), point the camera at the QR symbol and the camera will recognize it. Click on the link that pops up and you'll be directed to the Minn Kota registration page.
- If you purchased a Terrova model with a Micro Remote, you will not be eligible for a Heading Sensor. The product description was included on the product page, on this blog and elsewhere...or you spoke with me personally and I would have told you what to expect.
- is not responsible for confusion regarding eligibility for the Heading Sensors. We will not provide free Heading Sensors for customers who purchased models with Micro remotes without reading the notices and product description.
- "Micro Remote Only" models are still available due to remaining inventory at distributors. However, as of January 1, 2023 Minn Kota does not list them as "active" SKU's. We are still selling them for folks who are only interested in basic controls and Spot Lock (mostly saltwater anglers).
Ultrex Models
- Minn Kota has begun to include full size i-Pilot remotes and Heading Sensors in the packaging for Ultrex models with standard i-Pilot.
- Minn Kota has begun shipping full size i-Pilot remotes and Heading Sensors to customers who purchased Ultrex models that shipped with Micro remotes only. Customers who received redemption instructions with their motors need to complete the registration process in order to receive their accessories.
- If you did not receive a redemption coupon for your Ultrex: Scroll down to the bottom of this page where we have pasted images of the redemption coupons. Select the appropriate coupon for your motor. The QR codes are functional so just take your smartphone (or tablet) and point the camera at the QR symbol and the camera will recognize it; click on the link that pops up and you'll be directed to the Minn Kota registration page.
That's it for now. I'm really hoping that I do not have to make any further updates to this blog post ever again! Hopefully the supply chain issues will recover full and all will be right in the world. No promises.
*UPDATED: 6/15/22
Minn Kota has decided to take aggressive steps to ensure that production of trolling motors equipped with i-Pilot GPS can continue at their current pace.
The combination of an overwhelmed supply chain, COVID and unprecedented demand is impacting every sector of the economy and the trolling motor industry is no different. The specific challenge for Minn Kota with respect to trolling motor production? Parts, Parts....and more Parts.
Trolling motors with i-Pilot in particular require a multitude of components that are now incredibly difficult to procure on a consistent basis.
One missing part is all it takes to bring production of these motors to a screeching halt. Everything from silicon chips, molded plastics, control boards and even certain types of epoxy are in short supply.
Two components in particular contributing to this production bottleneck have been the bluetooth modules as well as screens for the full-size i-Pilot remotes. In addition to the motors themselves, the full size i-Pilot remote and Heading Sensor (which enables the Jog Feature) also contain bluetooth modules and other tough to find components.
Due To The Scarcity of These Parts and In The Interest of Delivering As Many i-Pilot Motors As Quickly As Possible, the Following Changes Are Effective Immediately:
- Applicable Terrova Models Equipped With i-Pilot will Include an i-Pilot Micro remote ONLY (No full-size i-Pilot remote or Heading Sensor). These models will Not include redemption coupons for full i-Pilot Remotes or Heading Sensors. These two components will be available for purchase when production ramps up again In late 2022 or early 2023. Models with i-Pilot Link will remain unchanged.
- ALL Ulterra Models equipped with i-Pilot will ship without Heading Sensors. Applicable models will include a Heading Sensor Redemption coupon (QR Codes) in the packaging (shipping late fall or early 2023). QR codes for Heading Sensor redemption (instructions) can also be accessed below. Models with i-Pilot Link will remain unchanged.
- Ultrex models equipped with i-Pilot will ship with Micro remotes only (no full-size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor). Applicable models will include redemption codes for Heading Sensor and full size i-Pilot Remote in the packaging. All Ultrex models with i-Pilot Link remain unchanged.
- It bears repeating that All motors with i-Pilot Link Remain Unchanged. Motors equipped with i-Pilot Link will ship with a full-color i-Pilot Link remote and Heading Sensor.
- PowerDrive motors equipped with i-Pilot are temporarily discontinued
Details On Terrova Production Changes And New Models
These new models will temporarily take the place of the models with the full size remote and Heading Sensor: prices have been reduced accordingly. Doooon't worry, you'll still have Spot Lock!
New Freshwater Terrova Models With Micro Remote Only (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1358807 - TERROVA 55, 45" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1358808 - TERROVA 55, 54" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1358888 - TERROVA 80, 45" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1358889 - TERROVA 80, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1358834 - TERROVA 112, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Temporarily Suspended Freshwater Terrova Models:
Model #1358856 -TERROVA 55, 45" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote, US2, Foot Pedal and Heading Sensor
Model #1358857 - TERROVA 55, 54" i-Pilot Remote, US2, Foot Pedal and Heading Sensor
Model #1358893 - TERROVA 80, 45" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote, US2, Foot Pedal and Heading Sensor
Model #1358894 - TERROVA 80, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote, US2, Foot Pedal and Heading Sensor
Model #1358846 - TERROVA 112, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote, US2, Foot Pedal and Heading Sensor
All Freshwater Terrova Models Equipped With i-Pilot Link Will Remain Unchanged.
New Saltwater (Riptide) Terrova Models With Micro Remote Only (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1363748 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 80, 54" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1363749 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 80, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1363728 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 112, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Model #1363729 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 112, 72" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Micro Remote, US2, Foot Pedal (No Full Size i-Pilot Remote or Heading Sensor)
Temporarily Suspended Riptide Terrova Models:
Model #1363740 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 80, 54" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor
Model #1363741 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 80, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor
Model #1363732 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 112, 60" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor
Model #1363735 - RIPTIDE TERROVA 112, 72" with i-Pilot, i-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor
All Riptide Terrova Models Equipped With i-Pilot Link Will Remain Unchanged.
Ulterra Models With i-Pilot Will Temporarily Ship Without Heading Sensors
All Ulterra Models equipped with i-Pilot will not ship with Heading Sensors. Applicable models will include a Heading Sensor Redemption coupon (QR Codes) in the packaging (shipping late fall or early 2023). We have Included the official announcements from Minn Kota with QR codes for redemption of Heading Sensors when they become available. The QR codes can also be accessed at the link below. Models with i-Pilot Link will still ship with Heading Sensors.
Link to Minn Kota Site For Heading Sensor Redemption
Production Of The Following PowerDrive Models Equipped With i-Pilot Is Temporarily Suspended
POWERDRIVE 55 with i-Pilot (48" shaft)
POWERDRIVE 55 with i-Pilot (54" shaft)
POWERDRIVE 70 with i-Pilot (54" shaft)
Questions and Answers
If I Purchase One Of These New Models With the Micro Remote, Will Minn Kota Send Me A Free I-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor Later On?
No. All customers who purchase the new models with the Micro Remote will not be receiving free full-size i-Pilot remotes or Heading Sensors in the future. These motors are technically new models and they just come with the Micro remote.
The full size i-Pilot remote and Heading Sensor will be available for purchase as soon as the supply chain challenges subside and Minn Kota can resume full production. No timetable for availability has been provided at this time.
Will I Lose Any i-Pilot Features Or Functions Without The Full Size i-Pilot Remote?
Yes. The Micro Remote will not enable the following i-Pilot features
1. Recording and saving i-Tracks
2. Saving your favorite Spot Lock Locations
3. Cruise Control
These are great features; which is exactly why you should buy the full size remote when they become available.
However, you WILL have the two "killer apps" of i-Pilot: Spot Lock and Auto-Pilot. Most of our saltwater folks use Spot Lock and Spot Lock only because -for them- it's all about sitting over that coral bed or wreck at 300ft with uncanny precision. G-bye anchor.
Speaking about "apps." You'll still have access to the i-Pilot app which can also be used as a remote. I do not recommend using your phone all of the time unless you have a floatable case. But, it's worth mentioning that the i-Pilot app is available to you.
Will I Lose Any i-Pilot Features Or Functions Without The Heading Sensor?
Yes. However, it's worth pointing out that there is a lot of confusion about the functionality of the Heading Sensor. The Heading Sensor has only one primary reason for being; the Jog Feature. The Jog feature allows you to move your boat in 5 foot increments in any direction off of a Spot Lock location. It is not needed for any other i-Pilot features such as Spot Lock itself. The Jog Feature is cool but if you are not interested in it then the Heading Sensor won't do much for you. Again, you do not need the Heading Sensor for Spot Lock.
When You Say "New Models" Does That Mean That The Actual Motors Will Be Different As Well?
The motors with the i-Pilot Micro Remote are exactly the same; there have been no changes to their production whatsoever. It will pair with a full size remote and Heading Sensor if you choose to purchase them later.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these challenging times. Minn Kota is working furiously to get parts in and motors out. This too shall pass!
Tight Lines!!!
Notice From Minn Kota: Heading Sensor Redemption Notice For Riptide, Freshwater Ulterra and Applicable Terrova Models
Notice From Minn Kota: i-Pilot Remote and Heading Sensor Redemption QR Code for Ultrex Models Equipped With i-Pilot
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What fishermen are saying…
i-Pilot is like magic. Like a magician in a black cape standing next to me in my boat sprinkling pixie dust and saying, “Abracadabra! More fish!” Thanks for making this magical purchase so easy and fun. You guys are the best.
Phil in Arcadia, FL
Why buy from Bass Pro or Cabelas when you can buy from these guys? From start to finish this was one of the best, if not the best, online shopping experiences I’ve ever had. The owner answered all my questions, the prices were great, and the motor arrived in two days. Don’t buy anywhere else.
Jason in Lake Charles, TX
"The personal service provided was fantastic. They responded very quickly to my emails and phone calls. The order was delivered faster than expected. I will definitely (and already have) told others that this is the only place to go for trolling motors.”
Alan in Metairie, LA
"My $1,700 Terrova 80 i-Pilot purchase was a big investment so I was a little nervous ordering my motor online, but I'm sure glad I chose! Not only did they have the motor I was looking for, but I also saved a lot of money. Oh, and the motor arrived the next day. Keep up the great work, guys!”
David in Okeechobee, FL
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